Monday, July 12, 2010


After a long time away and many challenges I am happy to be back to participate in this weeks Heavenly Cake baker's project. They are Mini Vanilla Bean Pound Cakes. I wanted to try out this new mini loaf baking pan and this was a good time to use it. The cakes baked up heavenly as do all of Rose's recipes. The cakes have a wonderful taste and vanilla aroma and were very easy to make. The recipe called for a Vanilla Cognac Syrup. I made a Triple Sec syrup because that is what I had on hand.
Check out Rose's Heavenly Cakes for the recipe.


  1. What a cute pan! I didn't think about Triple Sec but will next time with a nearly full bottle sitting in the cupboard.

  2. Soo cute!!! I like your pan! and i miss your posts!! I love seeing all your wonderful creations! Do post more of them! :D

  3. Well, what can I say about your posts?? Your work is wonderful. I am new to RHC, so just finding my way around. I look forward to following your posts.

  4. Honestly you guys are killing me with the specialty pans! These are sooo cute!

    Welcome back, hope you can bake along with us for a bit, before venturing off again to make those gorgeous cakes

  5. gosh! very very cute looking pans .. and I'm keeling over in embarassment over my pallid, plain looking presentation compared to yours.

    great job!

  6. I sighed as I pushed the button for your post. I knew it would reveal your usual off the charts creation - and there they were! How adorable. Now there is one more pan I need to run right out and obtain. yay! We have missed you. Hope Baby Cakes is well.

  7. I love that first photo with the little cakes and all those blueberries! Yum!

  8. I've missed your entries - these are lovely as usual!

