Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have been away for a while, because my little dog Babycakes had to have hip surgery. We had it done in Reno, Nevada by a wonderful doctor that specialized in hip surgery. I have been giving her water therapy by taking her in the pool or bathtub and letting her swim. It is time consuming because after her swim I have to dry and comb her long hair. We do this three times a day. She is getting along nicely, in fact today we went on a long walk and she used the leg like nothing ever happened. I am so happy and relieved that the surgery worked.

I came home to make this wedding cake. It is 4 layers of white cake with 2 layers of coconut mousse and 1 layer of passion fruit bavarian for the fillings. The tiers were covered with fondant. The decoration on the first and third tiers is a copy of the wedding invitation on rice paper. I love the yellow roses!!


  1. What fantastic flavor combinations! This is an amazing design. I'm sure they were quite pleased with their wedding cake. What happened to your little dog that she needed surgery? So glad she's better.

  2. Hope your dog is feeling better! This is a beautiful and stunning looking cake!! Hope to see more of your cakes!

  3. Oh wow... you had time to make that, even after taking care of babycakes? Hats off to you!

  4. I am so happy to hear Babycakes is doing well again. Please give him big hugs.
    As always, the cake is a bloomin' masterpiece sporting magnificent roses. It sounds absolutely mouthwatering. You did it again!!!

  5. Your work is amazing!!!

  6. Beautiful cake! Are the roses real or sugar paste? Either way, they are lovely on the cake. The bride must have been thrilled with the cake. It is a stunning original cake. You are very talented!
    Glad Babycakes is progressing with all your TLC.
