Sunday, January 03, 2010


These tartlettes are white chocolate, dried cranberry, mineola zest, & coconut. I zested two mineolas and infused the zest with heavy cream by bringing it all to a boil and covered it for about 1/2 hour. After that I brought it to a boil again and poured it over white chocolate and stirred to melt the chocolate. I then added chopped dried cranberries and toasted coconut to taste. The recipe for the white chocolate ganache/glaze is here.

The tartlette shells are made from a standard short dough recipe but could also be made from pie crust. Bake the shells, let them cool then fill them with the filling while the mixture is still liquid. The filling will set up to a truffle like consistency when left at room temperature for a few hours.
These are a great petit four as they do not need refrigeration and are fast and easy to make.


  1. Vicki6:31 PM

    Oh yum!!!! These sound incredible for high tea.

  2. these look absolutely yummy! feel like having one right now..

  3. I love how you say that these are fast and easy to make!!!

    They do look gorgeous and the perfect little flavour explosion.

  4. I liked these tartlettes. The presentation manner is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. These can make a wonderful treat for my son's birthday which will be coming next week. I hope everybody will love these tartlettes.
