Saturday, November 07, 2009


Delivered this wedding cake today and when I got to the venue all the power was out. Luckily I had asked my husband to come with me to help and he had to carry the cake up two flights of stairs in the dark!! He also kept me from completely loosing it, love that man!!
This cake was designed to match the centerpieces on the tables at the reception. They were manzaneta trees with red roses on them. With all the confusion I forgot to take a picture of the centerpieces but they were impressive. A company called Arrangements made them. I have worked with them for years and Ramon, the owner is the best.
The mother of the bride came in to the banquet hall as I was setting up the cake. She was thrilled and said it was exactly what they wanted. That is the best compliment ever.


  1. Stunning! Tell us about the cake flavors.

  2. Wow!! Beautiful cake!

  3. The flavors of the cake were: botom and top tier chocolate hazelnut crunch, with a layer of vanilla buttercream and a layer of chocolate mousse and the two middle tiers were red velvet with cream cheese frosting.

  4. Just gorgeous! I can't imagine your husband carrying this up those stairs in the dark. The flavor choices sound delicious.
