Monday, November 09, 2009


I love it when things just work out. I met with some clients at the restaurant about their dessert for a party. They wanted a tasting plate and one of the items to be part of the plate was a flourless chocolate cake. This weeks baking project from Rose's Heavenly Cakes and the Heavenly Cake Bakers were these Baby Chocolate Oblivions, which is really a flourless chocolate cake. Rose suggested we use a silicone muffin pan which I do not have so I decided to use this mini brownie silicone mold instead. I wanted my oblivions to be small for this tasting plate and they turned out the perfect size. I used a 64% extra bitter chocolate so these babies are rich. Rose suggested 60 - 62% chocolate. The recipe only has 4 ingredients, chocolate, butter, sugar and eggs and was very simple to make. After 5 minutes of baking in a water bath, Rose suggests putting another roasting pan over the oblivions and bake another 10 minutes. Because my mold was shallow I just put another sheetpan over the oblivions and baked them another 5 minutes. They came out perfect.
I chilled them overnight. To unmold them I dipped them in hot water for a minute and they lifted right out of the mold. They taste best eaten at room temperature.
When I serve them as part of my tasting plate I will put a small rosette of ganache on them and a little chocolate decoration but for this post I just sprinkled them with powdered sugar.


  1. Great idea, and I'm so glad this week's baking selection killed two birds with one stone for you! Tell me, did the baby cakes come out of the brownie pan without sticking?


  2. Yes, they did come out with only a few crumbs sticking to the mold. I did chill them over night and then I dipped them in hot water for a minute and they lifted right out. They taste best eaten at room temperature.

  3. Hi Sugar Chef, great idea on using the mini mold. I probably shouldn't have used 70% on mine, it makes it even richer. Good tip on using hot water, I'll try it next time.

  4. good tip regarding the hot water dip. i used a hot, damp towel to warm up the silicone cups but your idea would be much faster.

    so did your clients like the baby oblivions?

  5. Vicki1:22 PM

    I just love reading how you do things. What a great pan. And I agree with you the flavor is best at room temperature or slightly warmed.

  6. I love the idea of using a mini brownie pan! That would be the perfect size serving for this rich cake. Do you have a brand you recommend for the silicone mini pan?

  7. i have this brownie pan too..i never thought about using it...i kept thinking of cupcake!

  8. oooh I love that silicon mat you've got. Haven't seen it around yet. These mini chocolate treats look gorgeous!

  9. I love that shallow mold, Sugar Chef.

  10. Miam that sounds delicious! :)
