Saturday, October 03, 2009


I just joined a new group, "The Heavenly Cake Bakers. We will be baking from Rose Levy Beranbaum's latest book Heavenly Cakes. Marie at Heavenly Cake Place started the group and I was one of the lucky bloggers to get a free autographed copy of the book. I will be baking at least two recipes from the book each month and posting pictures and a story about my experience. Marie chooses 4 recipes each month that we can pick from.
It should be a lot of fun so stay tuned for some scrumptious pictures. We won't be publishing the recipes because they are all in Rose's book and you just must get your own copy. I have all her other books and they are very good, well written and the recipes work. You can also join the Heavenly Cake Bakers just head on over to Marie's blog for the rules and to sign up (just clic on the widget below). When you get there you will see a little video clip of Rose promoting her book and the Heavenly Cake Bakers. She plans on visiting our blogs to see how we like her recipes.



  1. This is going to be such fun! Your credentials are amazing.

  2. Your cakes are awesome! Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the bake-through.

  3. I'm so glad you joined the Heavenly Cake Bakers group. I look very forward to your contributions!

    Take care,

  4. Hooray... so glad you got your copy! I really look forward to seeing your submissions to the baking club!
