Saturday, July 26, 2008


This man has been my friend and mentor for 9 years. We worked together 12 hours a day 6 days a week and shared so much over this time. I was looking forward to working with him for the rest of my career. We talked many times about how we would be friends forever even after we retired. But he passed away yesterday and I am saddened from the bottom of my heart. He was a great executive chef and a very special man. My heart goes out to his wife, all of his brothers and the rest of their family. I will miss him so much. I love you Bob!!


  1. Thank you pam for a great tribute to my big brother

  2. Mike Lodge8:09 AM

    I was Chef Bob's Executive Sous Chef at Disney's Grand Floridian Beach resort for a number of years. I miss him greatly. We had some of the same talks. He was truly a class act.

  3. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your note. Interesting that I got it today as I am starting a new job and I was just about to leave to go there but decided to check my e-mail. I think Bob would be happy that I took this job but it is very hard for me to work in a kitchen without him. Where are you now?

  4. Hi Pam:

    I worked with Bob at the City Club of Fort Worth when I was in graduate school, and subsequently at the Grand Floridian with Bob and Mike Lodge. I know Bob's wife, Barbara. Bob is a friend I lost touch with after I moved from Florida and he and Barbara moved back to California. But I will always consider him a friend. I'm now an elementary principal in the state of Connecticut. Nice to connect with someone who thought as much of Bob as I did.


    1. Rex! OMG! You have no idea how much I adored and learned from you and Bob!
